A Calculation for Tax Elasticity of Real Effective Tax Burden of Consumption Expenditure, Income of Capital and Income through Work in Guangdong 广东省消费支出、资本收入、劳动收入实际有效税负税收弹性系数测算
The results revealed that if the regulation became stricter, the income share of industrial capital would be bigger, the inhabitants would hold less income share of capital and labor. 模型研究表明,准入许可管制程度越高,产业资本的收入份额越大,居民持有资本收入份额越小,劳动收入份额相对降低;
Or the income shares of split capital investment trusts. 可能还有可换证券,或分割资本投资信托公司的所得股。
Its income expression can be gained directly sometimes, work with other investment ways together to promote the whole income of human capital investment. 其收益表现形式有时可以直接得出,有时与其他投资方式共同起作用,促进人力资本投资的整体收益提高。
Income of Investment in human capital of enterprise based on Markov Forecasting Model 基于马尔可夫模型的企业人力资本投资收益预测
Commons in financial incentive and restraint of venture capital cycle stages involve right of control, income of money and reputation capital. 不同循环阶段的人力资本财务激励和约束都涉及到控制权收益、货币收益与声誉资本,但在具体的激励与约束方式上又存在着差异。
The income tax rate of home and capital enterprises should be unified; 统一内外资企业所得税率;
This paper discusses the ways and methods to solve the problem of how to increase peasant's income from the aspect of human capital. 本论文从人力资本的角度探讨解决农民收入增长问题的途径和方法。希望通过研究对下述三个问题能够作出回答:1人力资本影响收入增长的原因;
In this part, we also analyses the income effect of human capital investment. 最后分析了劳动力转移进程中人力资本投资的收益效应并对收益率进行估算。
On the basis of cost and income analysis of human capital investment, the paper advances a decisive model and determinate criterions. 在跨国企业人力资本投资成本与收益分析的基础上,提出了投资的决策模型与判定准则。
To Consider the Problems Concerning the Peasants from the Aspect of Labor Division Increasing the Farmer's Income from the View of Human Capital 从分工视角看农民问题人力资本视角的农民增收
In an enterprise, there is not a simple transformation from one to the other between, but different seeking from, the personal income of human capital and the enterprise's total income. 在企业中,人力资本个人收益与企业的总体收益有不同的取向,而非简单地转换。
Family income consists of labor income, capital income and transferred income. 职工家庭收入由劳动收入、资本收入及转移收入三部分构成。
It unified the income tax of domestic enterprises and foreign capital enterprises respectively, achieving fair tax burden to a certain extent. 分别统一了内资外资两套企业所得税,实现了一定程度的公平纳税;
According to it, an enterprise sets to raise funds only if the marginal income of capital is greater than or equal to zero. The involvement of employees is different from manpower investment and there is a progressive decrease law of marginal income. 按照边际收益分析法,只有当资本的边际收益大于或等于零时,企业方可进行筹资;企业的人员投入有别于人力资本投资,其投入超过生产要素最佳配置点后边际收益递减。
Taking national income, investment of capital construction, population as input terms, authors used the linear difference equation with input terms to make the wood consumption dynamic forecast during the 8th-five-plan in Anhui province. 把国民收入、基本建设投资、人口作为输入项,采用带输入项的线性差分方程,对安徽省八五期间木材消费量作了动态预测。
Thirdly, when this paper makes the correlation analysis in the foreign income tax burden of foreign capital scale of Hebei Province, evaluates the role and contribution of unification of two sets of enterprise income tax to the introduction of foreign capital of Hebei Province objectively. 再次,本文在外资所得税负担对河北省引资规模进行相关性分析的同时,客观地评价了两税合并对河北省引进外资的作用和贡献。
Secondly, because the marginal consume propensity of labor income is higher than that of capital income, the decline of labor income share will restrict enhancement of final consumption. 其次,劳动所得用于消费边际倾向要远远高于资本所得,劳动收入占比下降将制约最终消费提高。
At present, Yanbian state government non tax revenue is administrative career sex collects fees, government funds, operational income of state-owned capital, state-owned resource ( asset) is paid use income, special income, confiscated income and other income. 目前,延边州政府非税收入有行政事业性收费、政府性基金、国有资本经营收益、国有资源(资产)有偿使用收入、专项收入、罚没收入和其他收入。
It is because of the stubbornly high rate of investment, adding to tilt the distribution of income to the owners of capital, and promote the labor income gap continued to widen.(ⅱ) Economic growth to some extent affect the distribution of income in each class. 正是由于中国高居不下的投资率,加剧了收入分配向资本所有者倾斜,推动了劳资双方收入差距的持续扩大。(2)经济增长在一定程度也影响收入在各阶层的分配。
Empirical analysis proves that financial development has helped the growth of per capita income, the formation of physical capital and the improvement of economic efficiency. 实证分析证明,金融发展促进了人均所得的增加、实物资本积累和经济效率的提高。
The conclusions and policy recommendations related to the following main points: 1. labor income share of capital deepening has a positive impact, but the effect is gradually reduced. 本文的结论以及相关的政策建议主要有以下几点:1.资本深化对劳动收入占比有正向影响,但影响程度在逐渐减小。
In the fifth chapter we analyzed the questions which determine the income of sports human capital. 第五章主要分析了竞技体育人力资本的收入分配问题。
In asset-special-purpose income that natural person stockholder acquired, extension of impropriate quasi-rent in reason should be a location that restricted by the share income of rural cooperation and the average income of society capital. 4. 在自然人股东获获取的资产专用性收益中,可占用准租的取值范围应在农村信用社股本收益与社会平均资本收益之间寻找一个合理定位。
Fourthly, this research is the first one of this kind to put forward the excess income of social capital theory. 四是本研究首创了社会资本超额收益理论。
According to tell the level of the future profitability and risks of banks the capital market forecasts, the cost of equity capital can effectively measure the expected net income of invested capital. 通过反映资本市场对银行未来获利能力和风险水平的预期,权益资本能够有效衡量银行投入资本的预期净收益。
In order to reform the property rights system, we should probe into the property rights system which can achieve fair income with the integration of capital income and labor income to stimulate technological innovation. 进行企业产权制度改革需要对能够实现资本收入与劳动收入相融合、实现公平收入分配以促进企业技术创新的产权制度进行探索。
Peasant farmers spending patterns and structure constrain the improvement of famers 'human capital. As the key factor to improve the income of farmers, the human capital itself if can not be improved, the improvement of the farmers' income therefore must be radically influenced. 农民支出模式和结构限制农民人力资本的提高,而人力资本作为提高农民收入的关键因素如果得不到提高,势必从根本上影响农民收入的增长。
The research indicates that low comparative income of agricultural investment led to capital loss from agriculture massively. 研究表明,农业投资比较收益低是导致农业资本集体流失的直接原因。